Am Montag, 5. Januar 2009 10:19:55 schrieb Bernhard Reiter:

Hi Bernhard,

> This is what makes the discussion interesting. The use of LDAP for

> daily client preferences in Kolab Server 2.2.0 was by mistake.

No it was an intermediate solution in order to avoid an additional piece of compley software (RDBMS).

> Until we have a good proposal for the Kolab Format, it should be file,

> as this is what most other clients also use.

Using a file instead of IMAP breaks the scalability aspect of the Kolab Webclient.

> A client could potentially write this data on any display refresh

> or client action. Just think about index files that contain special flags

> per email. So I guess that there will be always client data that will need

> to be saved client locally per user.

I don't understand this. E.g. a webclient can easily use the more efficient session instead of persistent storage in order to keep volatile data (which can easily be regenerated anyway)


-- martin


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Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker

Sitz: Adolfstraße 23, 70469 Stuttgart, Partnerschaftsregister Stuttgart PR 126