Just a thought:

Do you know CorelDraws object manipulation dialog (it behaves more like a toolbar tough)? This dialog/toolbar is used for scaling (absolute sizes or relative, mirroring), moving, rotating and skewing objects. It allows to resize objects or a groups of objects selected. Units can be entered absolutely (e.g. 60mm, or 300 pixels), or relatively (120%). I've attached a PNG of the toolbar and the 'dialog' in case someone wants to have a look at it.

I find this dialog tremendously useful because it is easy to access and one often really wants objects to have a fixed size of fixed proportion, e.g. an object should be 2/3 the height of another etc.

Such a dialog/object manipulation tool would be very useful in several KOffice applications. Maybe it could be added in a central place such as the KOffice library? It would also be nice to include the "Align/Distribute horizontally/vertically"-type-of-functions as an additional tab.


Present address:

Pascal Niklaus
Landcare Research
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Palmerston North
New Zealand                       

Phone: +64 6 356 7154 (reception)
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Fax:   +64 6 355 9230

e-mail: Pascal.Niklaus@unibas.ch or Pascal.Niklaus@gmx.ch