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On March 17th, 2012, 9:13 a.m., Thomas Zander wrote:

The change had to do with a right-to-left layout where +1 would not go to the visible right, but to the left.

If this fixes the unit test, then please commit.  I'll make a note to find the case where the old code broke for and add a unit test for that one too, so a solution can be found for all items :)
Sounds good.  I'll push it, then.

- Robert Mathias

On March 17th, 2012, 1:08 a.m., Robert Mathias Marmorstein wrote:

Review request for KOffice and Thomas Zander.
By Robert Mathias Marmorstein.

Updated March 17, 2012, 1:08 a.m.


This one-line change seems to have broken the kword-frames-TestDocumentLayout unit test.  I don't know whether the behaviour of Qt has changed or if the cursorToX function simply doesn't work as expected, but the test passes after reverting this change.


Everything builds, compiles, runs, and passes the same unit tests (plus one more!) if we revert the change.  However, it's possible that it's the test that's wrong.  I don't understand the layout algorithm well enough to know for sure.


  • kword/part/frames/KWTextDocumentLayout.cpp (fc5173d)

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