Hello Krita team!

The Empirical and Applied Software Engineering Lab (EASEL) at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) would like to extend an invitation to you to participate in a focus group, and to accept a $150 contribution (see below for details) from us as an incentive. We believe that your participation would be a good opportunity for you to share ideas among yourselves about Krita, and would be a valuable contribution to our research in software quality and development productivity.

We are studying the changes that Open Source Software goes through when releasing a new version or making other modifications to the code, to find a way to predict when these changes will become problematic, and develop solutions to make them cost-effective and time-efficient. Hence, we would like for you to share information with us during a focus group about the changes your code has gone through, the causes for these changes, what kinds of changes are problematic, and how you have handled these.

We would contribute $150 to your project should we get 5-7 team members to participate in our focus group. These members should

Please let us know should you have any additional questions, and if you would be interested in participating.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Maria Viera
University of Maryland Baltimore County

IRB Protocol Y11CS12150 approved

04/18/2011 thru 04/17/2012