I think the numbers speaks from themselfes.

In [1], you will see all the commits for September for trunk, and in [2], all the commits for the essen branch.

What do we see is 673 commits for koffice/trunk, and 47 for koffice-essen, out of those 47 commits, Casper did 21 commits, of which I counted 16 merge commits, that leave 31 features commits for koffice-essen.

Looking, at the commits in koffice/trunk, the four tops commiters are sponsored by Nokia (or partially for Boudwijn, from a quick looking a third are non-krita, I didn't look in detailed, but lets say about 15 commits sponsored by Nokia), so that makes a total of 220 commits from Nokia sponsored developers in the top 10, representing a third of trunk commits. The remaining commiters did 180 commits.

So personnaly, I think it is fair to say that Nokia is playing by the rules as much as they can, it is also fair to acknowledge that they have a different agenda from us when it comes to the release of their koffice derivative, and that they are doing the right thing for this and are developing in the open the features they need to fullfill that agenda.

[1] http://svnsearch.org/svnsearch/repos/KDE/search?from=1170443&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fkoffice%2F

[2] http://svnsearch.org/svnsearch/repos/KDE/search?from=1170443&path=%2Fbranches%2Fwork%2Fkoffice-essen


Cyrille Berger