Hello list, In our tireless quest against bugs I've been entrusted to solve bug 239476 BKO (from bugs.kde.org - BKO,) namely, "kpresenter:msoffice2003:Comments are not displayed in kpresenter." In MSOOXML such comments are represented as another file that is tied to the proper slide through a relationship. A comment is merely a textbox placed in the document with the comment as its content and some added metadata (mainly the author, date and id of the comment) that is hidden while on presentation mode (in the implementation MS2007 changes this a bit showing a small rectangle instead of the whole textbox, showing it only when clicked.) I feel that its main purpose is for the revision of a presentation while being created. A very simple concept. But I'm facing a problem: I haven't been able to find an exact semantic equivalent to this concept in ODF. The closest is presentation:notes which allows one to draw a "notes" page where we could place the notes as they exist on the PPTX file. However, it has some drawbacks, to name the most prominent: 1)the metadata would be lost unless we insert it on the form of text inside a textbox; 2)the concepts are not quite the same, notes are snips of text that explain or expand concepts, or even recommend further reading for the audience; and overall we are doing nothing more than replacing a specific concept (Comments) with a more general one (the creation of a Notes page,) hence losing some context. I haven't founded a better approach, so, this is the approach I've taken and which I'll commit in a couple of hours. However, I want to ask, do you have any other proposals or ideas to better solve this problem? Thanks, -- Carlos Licea _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel