
Good to hear you wanna join the gang ;-)

To learn a bit qt you can find tutorials here: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/tutorials.html

however documentation for qt is good and its a sensible toolkit so using eg kdevelop or qt creator with their buildin documentation shouldnt be too hard...

KDE documentation can be found on techbase.kde.org, tutorias here:

i would generally recommend to find something to hack on and get going, it'll work out...

Welcome and have fun!

Jos poortvliet
Sent from my mobile computer using Nokia Messaging
----- Original message -----
> But I'm not sure where to start. I do have knowledge of C++ but I do not
> have any knowledge of Qt. I wasn't sure who to contact so that is why I'm
> posting this here.
> :::0:bbda175dfd9b9098bd4f35d4e7554713:-1:0:::

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