On Wednesday 15 July 2009, Elvis Stansvik wrote:
> 2009/7/6 Cyrille Berger <cberger@cberger.net>:
> > Hello,
> >
> > A reminder that according to [2], soft-freeze is supposed to be on July,
> > 8th 2009 . Which means feature that you want to implement/finish before
> > hard-freeze (August, 12th) needs to be written down in [1].
> >
> > Since I forgot to send the reminder a bit earlier, fill [2] ASAP but if
> > you don't have time before 8th, please do it before next week-end.
> I realize it's a full week too late, but I just added tables to the
> feature list. Hope everyone's OK with that.
No problem :) I wanted to add the gsocs on that page, and I was sure I did it... so yes, no problem.

Cyrille Berger