On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 12:28 AM, Andrew Dorrell <andrew.dorrell@gmail.com> wrote:
Andrew Dorrell wrote:
> LukasT.dev@gmail.com wrote:
>>> I'd like to put in a vote for the diffusion curves.  That stuff is
>>> very cool and looks very powerful for content creation.  Also it is
>>> nice and modular (self contained project).  But I would contact the
>>> authors first to clarrify their position WRT intellectual property.
>>> I.e. Have they, or are they planning to patent this work and how
>>> will they view a GPLv3 release of their work.
>> I already mailed long time ago with one of the authors of curves and
>> the author showed some joy over the fact, that somebody wants to
>> implement in open-source project. No problems with patent I think.
> That's fantastic to know.  BTW I think it could fit in both karbon14
> and krita but in krita it would be used as a kind of brush so that,
> when you had finished using the tool it rendered to pixels and that
> was that.  In karbon14 it makes sense to retain the curve definition
> and re-generate as required - retaining full scalability.
> I must get to know these apps a little better!

BTW... Does KDE have or use a particular core image processing library?
By image processing I mean things like convolution and morphological
filters, edge detectors, colour transforms... that kind of thing.

Not really. KDE mainly uses what Qt provides, which is just very basic stuff.