Hi Can someone in the know tell me where the following code goes wrong? Kspread wont load the file, oo.o will but shows a blank sheet. content.xml shows an empty document like this: The code executes all the way through because the final debug statement is printed. Cheers And the code: KSpread::Doc *ksdoc = new KSpread::Doc(); KSpread::Sheet *sht = ksdoc->map()->createSheet(); sht->setSheetName(doc->title()); sht->setText(0,0,"Hello"); sht->setText(1,1,"There"); ///============================= KoStore* store = KoStore::createStore( "/home/piggz/kexitest.ods", KoStore::Write); if ( store->bad() ) { delete store; return; } kDebug() <<"Saving to OASIS format"; // Tell KoStore not to touch the file names store->disallowNameExpansion(); KoOdfWriteStore odfStore( store ); KoXmlWriter* manifestWriter = odfStore.manifestWriter( ksdoc->mimeType() ); KoEmbeddedDocumentSaver embeddedSaver; KoDocument::SavingContext documentContext( odfStore, embeddedSaver ); if ( !ksdoc->saveOdf( documentContext ) ) { kDebug() <<"saveOdf failed"; delete store; return; } // Save embedded objects if ( !embeddedSaver.saveEmbeddedDocuments( documentContext ) ) { kDebug() <<"save embedded documents failed"; delete store; return ; } // Write out manifest file if ( !odfStore.closeManifestWriter() ) { kDebug() << "Error while trying to write 'META-INF/manifest.xml'. Partition full?"; delete store; return; } if ( !store->finalize() ) { delete store; return; } kDebug() << "SAVED OK" << endl; delete store; delete doc; _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel