# The INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS variable should be used when libraries are installed. # The arguments are also ok for regular executables, i.e. executables which don't go # into sbin/ or libexec/, but for installing executables the basic syntax # INSTALL(TARGETS kate DESTINATION "${BIN_INSTALL_DIR}") # is enough, so using this variable there doesn't help a lot. # The variable must not be used for installing plugins. # Usage is like this: # install(TARGETS kdecore kdeui ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS} ) # # This will install libraries correctly under UNIX, OSX and Windows (i.e. dll's go # into bin/. # Later on it will be possible to extend this for installing OSX frameworks # The COMPONENT Devel argument has the effect that static libraries belong to the # "Devel" install component. If we use this also for all install() commands # for header files, it will be possible to install # -everything: make install OR cmake -P cmake_install.cmake # -only the development files: cmake -DCOMPONENT=Devel -P cmake_install.cmake # -everything except the development files: cmake -DCOMPONENT=Unspecified -P cmake_install.cmake # This can then also be used for packaging with cpack. set(INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS RUNTIME DESTINATION "${BIN_INSTALL_DIR}" LIBRARY DESTINATION "${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}" ARCHIVE DESTINATION "${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}" COMPONENT Devel )