On Friday, 5. October 2007 00:57:38 Sebastian Sauer wrote: > KSpread > * allow to import/export ods-files in the KSpread table-shape > * allow to add, remove and edit sheets within the table-shape > * be able to switch between the sheets in the table-shape > * fix a crash on resize in the table-shape > > svn log -r 708332:HEAD helps there to remember btw ;) * new functions: BETAINV, BINOMDIST, CHIDIST, LEGACYCHIDIST, LEGACYCHIINV, CHIDIST, FDIST, LEGACYFDIST, FINV, LEGACYFINV, FTEST, GAMMADIST, GAMMAINV, PEARSON, QUARTILE, RANK, RSQ, TINV, TREND, TRIMMEAN * unit tests and fixes for various functions -- Regards, Stefan _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel