Igandea 07 Urtarrila 2007 12:43(e)an, Cyrille Berger(e)k idatzi zuen: > Hi, > > Here is the provisional date for KOffice 1.6.2 : February 14, 2007, as it > is very likely to be the last release of 1.6.2, as there won't be a release > of KOffice until late 2007. I would like each application maintaner (that > want it, I know that krita is interested ;) ) to answer this mail with a > list of release blocker bugs. For KFormula: 136636 136711 138313 138314 Regards -- Alfredo Beaumont Sainz http://www.alfredobeaumont.org/blog.cgi _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel