BTW, This comment from the dot reminded me something: "Great stuff, but... ...will it support changing the background colour away from the KDE UI settings? That's the reason I don't use KOffice, because I like my dark grey colour scheme, but I don't like document backgrounds being dark grey. by Steve on Monday 08/Jan/2007, @15:57 " I have one TODO created long ago for Kexi: complex and rarely used options could be moved out to a window looking like Mozilla's about:config [1], screnshot [2]. Thus, the main settings dialog would stay simple or be even simpler than in 1.x. Otherwise we could eventually achieve complexity of Konqueror's settings, at least I predict this for Kexi. The "page background" setting fits well into this category. Apparently we're going to have a plenty of such settings in Kexi. Moreover, many of them will come from plugins, so sometimes it is hard e.g. to put another font-related option to a font tab of the config dialog (created somewhat by hand). The Mozilla's solution looks usable also because there's a search bar where you can filter out actions you're interested in. As an extension, predicting there will be many actions, I'd propose using some hierarchy (a tree view widget) instead of a flat list. Hierarchy is especially nice as we can create new nodes dynamically. If that's ok to you, it will be no problem to reuse the dialog in other KOffice apps once it is present in Kexi 2.0 sometime this year. Speaking about implememntation, I can see heavy use of libKoProperty model and view there. [1] [2] -- regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek Sponsored by OpenOffice Polska ( to work on Kexi & KOffice:, KDE3 & KDE4 Libraries for MS Windows:, _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list