Hello all, > I have committed the very draft version of DOM implementation which > supports on-demand loading. It is in > lib/kofficecore/koxmlreader.{h,cpp} with corresponding test in > lib/kofficecore/tests/koxmlreadertest.cpp. As you can see, I try to > follow QDom's API as close as possible to ease the migration. In the latest edition of the c't a German comuter magazine there was an article about VDT-XML (http://vtd-xml.sourceforge.net/) as far as I can see it does exactly what are we looking for. Here some part of the homepage: Designed to be random-access capable, VTD-XML attempts to be both high-performance and memory-efficient. In addition, because VTD is inherently persistent, it can be saved on disk alongside of the XML document to achieve "parse-once, use many times." Moreover, the "non-extractive" nature of VTD means that incremental, dynamic update doesn't require re-serialization of irrelevant parts of the original document. On a 1.5gHz Athlon PC, VTD-XML consistently outperforms SAX parsers with NULL content handler, delivering 25~35 MB/sec sustained throughput, without sacrificing random access. Its memory usage is typically between 1.3x~1.5 x the size of the XML document, with 1 being the XML itself. I did not test it by myself but looks quite promising. Have a nice day, Thorsten _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel