On Monday 17 October 2005 15:44, Inge Wallin wrote: > On Monday 17 October 2005 15.32, Boudewijn Rempt wrote: > > We've got 57 crash bugs in bugzilla. Most of them are filter bugs, > > What I would like to know is why the application should crash just because > a filter does. Isn't that the real bug? And is there anything we can do > to isolate filter bugs to the filters themselves? Filters are located in shared libraries that are dynamically loaded/unloaded during run-time. If the user requests to open a non-native file the KOffice libraries pass the control to the appropriate filter. All that happens within one process, so if the filter crashes, the whole process is terminated by the OS. In stone age (KOffice wise, think KDE 1.x) KOffice was using CORBA for that stuff, so the filter was in a different process and a crashing filter did not take the application down. At least in theory :-) The cost of that additional process was: - Increased memory usage - Increased run-time - It was impossible to load directly to internal structures, you always had to convert to a file - Way more complex to program, to get all the CORBA stuff right and so on Therefore KOffice switched to KParts and friends, so now it's all within one process (also the filters, although this is not really KParts related, it just made sense not to use CORBA soley for the filters). I'd also like to point out that there are two kinds of filter crashes: 1) The filter misbehaves and causes e.g. a SIGSEGV or some FP error,... Then it's clearly the fault of the filter, case closed. 2) The filter creates a file or loads something directly to memory and the application crashes when it tries to render the new document. There it could still be the filter's fault, e.g. if it breaks some internal assertion or writes out an invalid file. In some cases, though, the application crashes on a (theoretically) correct file because of rendering problems. One good example for that are .doc files containing large tables. The filter correctly writes them out but KWord crashes when it tries to render the tables. Hope that helps, Werner _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel