Hi there Ariya ! On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 07:22:51 +0100, Ariya Hidayat wrote: > For KOffice 1.4, I'd like to proprose the following simplification of KSpread's toolbar. Unless stated, the reason for removing the buttons is because likely they are not much used and therefore we can't justify them being in the toolbar (remember that experienced users can still customize the toolbar). Of course, this based on my (limited) experience and observation, so feel free to disagree. Hm. Well, first of all, I'd like to state that I'm no usability expert, nor do I want to become one, so don't take any of this for granted ;) I personally am not sure whether this is really the best way to go. Sure, if a button is rarely used, there's no need for it, but then, other issues arise. You know, AFAIK there's this tendency to consider apps with loads of buttons as bloated, and apps with very few buttons as lacking in features. So, if we remove some button from the default toolbars, it might be wise to consider adding some other button (with some more frequently used feature) to compensate. Or, at least, such is my opinion ;) It might be worthwhile, though, to post this on the kde-usability list, although my experience tells me that each usability expert has a completely different opinion on what is usable and what is not, than any other usability expert. Well, things are never easy ;) / Tomas _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel