KOffice 1.3.3 is now officially released. (No binaries currently!) As I am not sure to be able to continue to be the temporary release manager for KOffice 1.3.x, I would like to thank now everybody that have helped me to make these two releases. Probably a KOffice 1.3.4 will exist. I propose the Monday 8th November 2004 (2004-11-08) as the timepoint for the next release. (Nearly two months seems to be a good cycle to get enough bugfixes to be worth for a release.) Please remember that at the aKademy it was decided to release KOffice 1.4 earlier (with less goals), as Qt4 is not available for still many months. A beta (but perhaps only an alpha) release before the end of the year has been planned. (And the release not before April 2005.) Have a nice day! _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@mail.kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel