Hi, just concerning "new to QT": What helped "me" a great deal was the QT documentation, there are especially two tutorials in it, wheras the first is really good to get the basics of QT. Unfortunately I myself have not come down to decent KDE programming yet so I can't give you hints there. There is also a whitepaper which I found very interesting since I had no idea about QT before ... it gives you a good overview about what QT can do (or what "you" can do with QT). If you have QT fully installed you can just start the "assistant" and click on "QT Reference Documentation" or go to http://doc.trolltech.com/ Info for the whole list: I'm also reading the list since mid november now and I really really wish to give you a hand (or two). At the moment I'm just involved in too much to be of much use and I would also have to get the insides known of KOffice, so I want to have time for it. KOffice is - as far as I found out - really a great project and I think it basically has a lot of potential, being able to base on a solid base like KDE. Am Sunday 04 January 2004 11:50 schrieb Jens Bäckman: > Hi! > > I've been reading the KDE traffic mailings for a while now, and see that > there is always a note about the lack of developers almost every time > KOffice is mentioned. After using KDE 3.1 as my primary desktop at work > for a year and running various Linux distributions from 1997, I decided > that it was time to take action. > > A little something about myself and my skills... I have been programming > for thirteen years now, which is practically half of my life. Started > with Basic, moved on to C and later on Assembler. Learned C++, Java and > OO techniques in 1997 as I got accepted as a software engineer in Mid > Sweden University. Graduated in 2000, and was hired for embedded > programming immediately. > > Unfortunately, I'm currently a novice at Qt, and know nothing about the > structure of either KDE or KOffice. Nothing that a week or two of > reading documentation and source code won't remedy. So - do you need my > help, and which part of KOffice should I focus on? > > _______________________________________________ > koffice-devel mailing list > koffice-devel@mail.kde.org > https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@mail.kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel