Hey all, I'm just trying to get started with KOffice development and I've identified some items in KWord I wanted to address... however before I could do that I needed to set up a build/debug environment that I could actually work in. This email is a summary of the steps to take if someone happens to be running Debian and wants to debug KOffice with KDevelop 3.0 (Gideon). While I'm using Debian Unstable and certain parts of this guide are very specific to that, the general points should be the same for other distributions including other Debian versions. The primary items seem to be "--enable-debug=full" in ./configure. setting KDEDIR=/usr/local/kde, and running the kbuildsycoca exectuable afterward. Please be gentle, I'm definitely a newbie at all of this and really don't know the meaning of all the steps here, but it's something that will hopefully save others the two days I just spent trying to get to square one. For most of the developers I imagine this stuff would be obvious to the existing developers but definitely not intuitive for those of us who have never ventured this path before. It would be great if this email could be added to a getting started knowledge base somewhere. First off, uninstall Debian's KOffice if you have them installed. I'm not sure if this is strictly required, but when it finally worked, they were uninstalled. If someone wiser than I can respond and confirm or deny that this needs to be done, then please do so. Also, if you are using the latest libxrender library then the .la file has moved and you'll most likely need to make a symlink: ln -s /usr/lib/libXrender.la to /usr/X11R6/lib Failure to do so will break the build (or at least so I'm told) until configure scripts and Makefiles get used to the change in location.... Now you can follow the anonymous CVS instructions accessible from the website. You'll need to checkout the koffice module. There are no modules for just one app in the tree. If you do not want to work with any particular app you can set the DO_NOT_COMPILE environment variable to exclude it. Since I wanted to work only on kword I set mine using: export DO_NOT_COMPILE="karbon kchart kexi kivio koshell kpresenter krita kspread kugar" Next cd into the koffice dir and execute: ./configure --enable-debug=full Next execute: make When that's done, do a make install (as root). This can be done from a CLI or within Gideon. I did it from the CLI first, and then Gideon later. The final steps to getting the CVS version to run are: - set the environment variable KDEDIR=/usr/local/kde/ - rerun the command kbuildsycoca Failure to do either of these resulted in an error about being unable to find native MimeType in kword's desktop file. You can probably replace kword with any application name. In my case the problem was that instead of looking in /usr/local/kde/share/applnk/Office it only looked in /usr/share/applnk/ Office. I suggest you go to bed, or do something interesting while that initial make compiles... It takes a while... I went on with installing gideon and came back to do the kbuildsycoca thing later on in the process. :) At this time (October 9, 2003) KDevelop 3 has not been uploaded to unstable yet. I've been using the alpha 7 snapshot available using this source line: deb http://people.debian.org/~njordan/unstable binary/ While installing KDevelop 3 did uninstall kdevelop 2, I had to uninstall kdevelop-data, and one other kdevelop 2 related package that didn't get automatically removed. Essentially they were having upgrade problems which I used removal to reconcile. This won't be an issue if you don't have KDevelop 2 installed first. Fire up Gideon and use "Project->Import Existing Project" Don't worry about all the CVS settings (though I'm sure someone can make them work quite nicely) just name the project koffice and point it at the top level CVS checkout directory that you compiled from. When you hit ok it will take a while to load the directory hierarchy. After it's loaded, go to "Project->Project Options->Run Options" and add the environment variable KDEDIR and set it to "/usr/local/kde/" or whatever you set the prefix to with configure in the above steps. And lastly, assuming you want to work on a specific project you need to make that subproject active. In my case this was KWord. On the right hand side in Gideon open the "Automake Manager" tab. Find and select "kword" in the top half, then find and select "kword (program in bin)" from the bottom half. The "kword (program in bin)" entry in the bottom half is all the way at the bottom and has on subentry "dummy.cc". Using the Right Mouse Button on the bottom "kword (program in bin)" entry select "Make Target Active". From here you can Build, Run, Debug, set breakpoints, navigate the source as you see fit. As I mentioned earlier, it took me two days to get all those steps completed but I think the results are well worth it. It's important to do a "make install" after you change sometig and rebuild to get the newly updated items into the /usrlocal/kde/ hierarchy, fortunately from this point on it's just focusing on updating the subproject and not all of KOffice. I'd like to thank dfaure, rwlbuis from #koffice, and an extra special thanks to calc, and others on #debian-kde for helping me get through all this. I'm posting this here in the hopes that it will be sueful to people and be memorialized somewhere would-be developers on Debian can get to, or at least live in the mids of those here so when someone else asks they can be pointed in the right direction. -- Michael -- _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel