Hi! I just released wv2-0.1.7. Compared to wv2-0.1 a lot of code has been changed under the hood, with the consequence that Word 6 and Word 7 (aka Word 95) documents are now supported. Please test it and report all the bugs you find to bugs.kde.org in the kword/filters module. If it's not possible to attach the offending document due to privacy issues you can also send it directly to me, referring to the bug number in bugzilla. You can get the tarball at: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wvware/wv2-0.1.7.tar.bz2?download Due to a sourceforge problem with the load on the CVS servers no anonymous CVS information is included this time. According to sourceforge this problem will be fixed soon, so hopefully 0.1.8 will include that information again. Lukas: The roadmap is to ship 0.1.7 with KOffice 1.3 Beta3 (unless I find a major showstopper). For KOffice 1.3 it's planned to have wv2 0.2 ready. The goal for the 0.2 release is Word 6 and Word 7 support on par with Word 97+ support. No idea if the packagers feel like creating a wv2 rpm/deb/whatever, but as it's the last beta I'd say this would be a good idea :-) Ciao, Werner _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel