> BTW you may eant to have a look at OPAL (kudling.de/opal). Its supposed > to become the new core for karbon. There is a ruby part which contains a > lot > of useful code, and a C++ part which I am constructing. Though you'll > probably not need all path methods/algorithms for umbrello2, there also > are building blocks there for a DOM, and that could be useful for > umbrello2 as well, so I'd love to get some feedback on it before I do some > stupid designing ;) > BTW actual styling/stroking/filling is not outputted yet. Closest is eps > and svg file export function (using visitors), which you can view using > your favourite viewers :) interesting - i don't really know ruby, but i can guess enough to know what's going on :) the design doesn't look overly different from the design of karbon's stuff. in fact, i'd say it looks identical - different language, but no real differences. i'm not really sure what extra input you might need for this project. its been a pretty solid design for quite some time. changing the language shouldn't really affect that :) andy _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel