> as possible. for this, i think KPainter would be an excellent replacement for > VKoPainter - they're basically the same thing anyway (built on top of > libart). we might even be able to package KPainter as the default painter for > the object hierarchy - that means there wouldn't need to be any massive > rewriting for karbon (that i can forsee). The public interface of KPainter is similar to Painter/VKoPainter by design, and it is also similar to QPainter. The idea is to make it some kind of new "official" rendering API. KPainter has a frontend/backend separation, i.e. the libart based LibartPaintDevice can be used and is the most advanced paintdeice. There exist another paintdevice which uses QPainter, but this is less powerful. As a pro for QPainterPaintDevice, it uses QPainter calls, i.e. you have a poor-man's version for printing and cross-display rendering. > question: if people are serious about proceeding with this, where does it go? > i'd suggest KPainter, but the name might be a little misleading because we'd > be providing alot more than just KPainter (and alot less than Karbon :). > actually, what would be a good name for this thing? KPainter (or rather kdenonbeta/kpainter on KDE CVS) is my project for providing rendering APIs and related stuff. The directory (and library) kdenonbeta/kpainter/kpainter (libkpainter) proides the actual KPainter API. I see no problem in creating other sub-projects and / or libraries. My private code-name for canvas-like functionality is KCanvas, so I would like to start a kdenonbeta/kpainter/kcanvas sub-project. Testcases would be in sub-project kdenonbeta/kpainter/kcanvastest. Regards Dirk _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel