On Sunday 12 January 2003 13:29, Lukáš Tinkl wrote: > Hello dear KOffice developers, > another year went by, and I feel like it's about time for thinking about > another major KOffice release ;) > > I just posted a first and very preliminary schedule for the upcoming > version of KOffice (1.3) which is available at, as usually, at > http://developer.kde.org/development-versions/koffice-1.3-release-plan.html Now, it still gives an error message, but I have managed to download the document by webcvs. > > I'd like to ask the specific maintainers to go through this list and review > mainly these points: > - add new features for your app when you think they're are worth mentioning > and if you are sure this will indeed appear in the final version KWord: better handling of remote pictures (Downloaded one time only, except file dialog preview.) KPresenter: the same, but only for background pictures (for normal pictures, it still have to be done.) > - cry out if the schedule is too tight, we have still enough time to change > it I am not sure if working in August is so subtle. We have seen last year that it brought problems: - some I18N teams (like the Italian one) are only holiday and therefore cannot translate. - work on KOffice came to an halt in August has a few developers were on holiday too. (Summer holiday are not like Christmas/New Year. Mostly in Summer people go away.) So perhaps it would be more realistic if deep freeze was not on 2003-08-29 but more like one 2003-09-13. Second point: I am not sure if 15 days is enough for translating the documentation. (However, I do not remmeber how long it was last year but it was too short, especially for August. Otherwise, as soon as the release plan is on the Web, we should email mailto:kde-i18n-doc@kde.org so that they could critize the plan too. > > :-) > > - please add entries for new/improved filters (Nicholas?) KWord: - new RTF export filter (still a few features missing compared to th old one.) - new MS Word import filter There are surely more... > - please take some time and update the webpage for your application; take > some great screenshots, update the information about current version, > features, maintainers etc (most stuff is _really_ outdated!!!) You are forgetting that writing the www module is protected, so nearly nobody can update the page. (We have at most writing rights to www/koffice.) > > What could be the major goals of this version[1]? > - get more and better looking templates (this is a must IMHO) > - new icons? (I've heard the artists are making some new crystal icons > exclusively for KOffice) > - incorporate/finish Krita/Karbon, make sure they work consistently with > the rest of apps (drag'n'drop, copy&paste, etc.) > - find a _real_ maintainer for Kivio - better MS Office compactibility: new MS Word import, new RTF export, maybe Excel export... > > Since I have little idea about the graphic apps we have, I'd appreciate > some status info about the current state of Krita, Karbon and Kontour (and > also KExi). If an app lacks an active maintainer and is unfinished/broken, > it will get moved to kdenonbeta (seems to be the case for Kontour or > KoSoap). Kontour is dead and my opinion is that it should be removed. (The CVS would still have it in the Attics if it is deleted.) Moving Kontour anywhere else has no sence now. If a new maintainer would appear by miracle, it would be still time to take actions. > > Last but not least, I'd like to thank David Faure for having been a > wonderful maintainer of the past few KOffice versions. I hope I'll manage > to pull some tasks off his back so he can concentrate on more interesting > (and > important[2]) things, thanks David! > > Thanks for your attention, keep the mails coming :) > > [1] Subject for discussion > [2] Like hyphenation; hint, hint :-) Have a nice day/evening/night! _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel