Am Samstag, 14. Dezember 2002 22:24 schrieb TJ Mather: > A little while back, we were discussing the possibility of using Apache > POI, and the issue of the Apache license being compatible with the LGPL > came up. After mailing a couple of licensing mailing lists, and > re-reading the LGPL license, it appears that the licenses are compatible. > > Would it be OK to go ahead with the Apache POI KSpread Excel export > filter? Hello TJ, the short story is: - If KSpread is LGPL, then I as well see now, that KSpread can be linked to POI (with QPL - LGPL - AFL). - If KSpread is GPL, then not. Additional, this may get problems when we need to link to libraries which are compatible with LGPL but not with the QPL. I didn't find any notice about QPL-AFL problems, so I think this is save atm. Currently, all of KSpread files have LGPL copyright notes in the sources (beside of what our about states, I think this one needs to be "fixed" here). But there is only one problem. It's our KChart interface. KChart uses KdChart which is GPL. While all others apps (e.g. KWord, KFormula) are dlopen'd when embedded, we have additional a direct interface to KdChart for the interactive changes of the data in KSpread. This interface is in koffice/interfaces, but currently doesn't have a copyright notice (so there maybe a problem as well). Additional, this interface needs to be checked, if the linking of KdChart allows a LGPL. Both questions are on the way (I will contact Kalle, owner of both). If Kalle agrees, then KSpread is LGPL and you can go. I don't want to loose the linkage with KChart, even that I want to have KSpread as LGPL as well (I want to have a possibility for a development kit). That you didn't get much responds from the lists is bad, but I think the result "LGPL - AFL is okay" is agreed. So let's wait and see what Kalle is telling. Philipp _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list