> Another example is the "close the last document" thing : the user is working on many documents, say in KWord. At some point, when the copy paste is finished, he begin to close all the windows. > But, if he wants to create another doc, he has to create it BEFORE closing all previous opened document if he doesn't want to "suffer" the loading time for KWord, as Kword will exit when final document is closed. > It is contra-intuitive as the user want to : > - stop working on the current documents > - then create a new document to work on > But he has to : > - create an empyt new document > - stop working on the current documents by closing them > - start working on his new doc. Wrong. KOffice provides this. Try "File/Close". > I have still another example : when a user want to edit the header or the footer, he has to go to View>footer or View>header, though in Word, since many years, simply double clicking in the supposed area is sufficient. > I think this can be solved easily... as normal user don't bother of this, but advanced user has to do it quite often... and there is no option to automatically display header or footer... > > You see, there are lots of usability problems like these in KOffice Feel free to report usability bugs at http://bugs.kde.org, when you have a precise suggestion on how it can be fixed (as with this case: always showing the header/footer frames - it's basically about changing the default, no?). We developers don't necessarily see those problems... -- David FAURE, david@mandrakesoft.com, faure@kde.org http://people.mandrakesoft.com/~david/ Contributing to: http://www.konqueror.org/, http://www.koffice.org/ LinuxTag was fun: polar bears, bad movies, live hacking, late hacking, bed sharing, Fahrplan. _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel