Hi, during chats with people with different backgrounds i found that there is= a=20 non-zero possibility of confusing karbon14 with Apple Carbon (tm). Even=20 though both products are very different, there is the danger that some=20 underpaid lawyer in a country with some brain damaged laws might find an=20 oportunity to earn some money. I concluded it's necessary to rename karbon14 - the earlier the better. M= y=20 ideas so far: - 14 - k14 - Cf252 - kurve - stupid (or any other name no company would dare to choose) If nobody comes up with a better name, we will have to decide among those= =20 choices. Regards Lenny PS: In order to not make mighty dfaure angry, we also accept suggestions = via=20 private mail. _______________________________________________ koffice-devel mailing list koffice-devel@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel