Op maandag 10 september 2001 15:22, schreef Michael Marcucio: > i was wondering how up-to-date the status page was for filters. the reason > i ask is because i am starting to develop a rtf import filter and before i > get to far into it, i wanted to know if other people are doing the same > work because it would be very fustrating to put in a ton of work only to > learn that it was already done or about to be finished. i would rather put > my efforts towards a project that will help the community by doing > something that need to get done.. > i am new to open source development, so if someone could direct me to where > i coul dfind such info, it woud be greatle appreciated... > thanks There is a pretty complete rtf import filter written by Ewald Snel (but there are a lot of koffice-related projects to be done ... ) Ewald can be reached at ... Greetings, Frank _______________________________________________ Koffice-devel mailing list Koffice-devel@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice-devel