our site URL corrected ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: Koffice logo Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 23:00:04 +0100 From: Tim To: koffice@kde.org Dear Sir, I run a linux user group http://www.b-lux.org We also do linux training. We have recently upgraded our training website and included Koofice and a logo (from your site) which links to your site. We had intended to ask permission but there was an oversight. Our site is at http://home.btclick.com/blux.net We as a rule only use our Logos on our site but we wanted to highlight the quality and availability of opensurce programs (likd Koffice) and we have set aside this rule. We would be grateful for clearance to use your Logo. (which merely links to your site). Indeed if you have a better logo we wuld be grateful if you could emal it to us. If you do not want us to use the Logo of koffice please tell us and we will remove it from the site. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely CTavares(Dr) -------------------------------------------------------