Hello, one of the things missing from kde are being able to copy/paste non-plain-text data accross applications. Well, missing, they ain't really missing... if the apps speak the same 'clipboard language' (= mime type) it works. If i now wanted to copy something from mozilla to kword, mozilla speaks text/html, and kword speaks application/x-kword-clipboard or so... Or i want to copy a html table in kspread, i would have something similar. Now - we have existing apps that provide clipboard content in several mime types, like mozilla, the koffice apps, ... - we already have a "filter plugin" API (the koffice filters) - we already have a lot of filters, eg from text/html to application/x-kword (which could be modified easily to support x-kword-clipboard, being a small xml tree with some kword paragraphs in it, upon first look) Maybe we could use these to create some more generic filter system using the koffice filters, where you could eg ask 'can i have the clipboard in application/blabla, if you don't have to convert it from text/plain and , if no can i have it in text/plain'. Please tell me if this idea is just plain stupid, already obsoleted by something i did not see, ... I'd volunteer for writing a small lib implementing the above, and a couple of test filters if the idea is accepted .. :) greetings, Frank