I've been thinking about some sort of Linux EndNote like tool as well. Here are some thoughts. 2 applications. First is a database for maintaining references. The obvious (to me) choice is xml. I think the DTD (or schema) for this part should be generic and possibly modeled after the tags used in bibtex. Second would be a plugin (or whatever) for KWord. This would consist of xsl docs to transform the reference xml into KWord xml. Different stylesheets for different citation formats. Of course this would have to be integrated with KWord so that citations can be made within a paper as it is being typed (like bibtex). It doesn't sound like thats too easy right now. I couldn't find any information on google or the kde site about KCite. On a previous search I found something called kbiblio but I don't know if its related. If anyone can provide links, info, etc. I'd appreciate it. Asside from being stupendously (stupidly?) busy, I'd like to help on this. Mike On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, Nicolas Goutte wrote: > There is a project KCite in the huge KDE world (no, it is not part of > KOffice!) > > Today (UTC), its developer (Pascal Niklaus) has asked on the koffice-devel > mailing list how the integration with KWord could be done. > However, the news are rather bad, as KWord is missing for now even basic > intregration of programs that must access directly KWord's text (for > example a dictionnary.) > > If or when KCite itself would support KWord's file format is also unknown. > > Have a nice day/evening/night! > > -----Original Message----- > From: Praedor Tempus [SMTP:praedor@uswest.net] > Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 9:55 PM > To: koffice@kde.org > Subject: Hopeful suggestion for kword > > > Hello, > > I am a researcher at the University of Utah. As such, I have the > requirement > of being able to write papers containing many citations and the attendant > reference page(s). In windoze or with a Mac, one can use Word plus EndNote > in combo to easily produce such research papers. EndNote (if you are not > familiar with it) handles and organizes your bibliography databases and > also > integrates with Word (or even WordPerfect) so that the writer can easily > add > citations to a paper. When ready to print out the final paper, EndNote > generates the correct citation style (user selectable or one can create new > styles) and properly formatted reference page(s) to go with it. This is > far > better than having to do this by hand. > > (...) > > -- > Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain. > >