1. Mail client I am sorry but I cannot understand why you want KMail into KOffice. From what you are writing, you seem to find KMail useful, so why do you want to remove it from KDE-Network and put it into KOffice? If I recall correctly, it has been decided that KOffice would *not* include an email client for a few reasons, including: - there are already at least two email clients in the whole KDE world! - we are too few developers for KOffice, so nobody sees a need to (or has time to) create functionnality covered elsewhere in KDE. - email clients are not seen as a core functionnality for an office suite. But perhaps I have not understood why you think that a combination of a mail client and an office suite is so important. A guess: is using KWord as a composer for the email client important for you? If it is, I think it should be done in another way. (But this would be for the long-term to-do list, I am afraid!) 2. KDE's size Okay, even if talking about KDE's size is perhaps off-topic for the KOffice mailing list, I will still say something about it. If KDE is big, it is also that KDE can do much. You can look at other similar projects (e.g. GNOME) and you will find that they are not small either. 3. KDE's speed If you have problems with KDE's speed, verify your settings for Arts (KDE's sound support). It has been reported many times that wrong settings for Arts are killing KDE (in particular if Arts is set to be in real time.) One rough test is to switch it off and to look at the speed difference. 4. The End All this is my own opinion and may not correspond to the opinion of other KDE and KOffice developpers. -----Original Message----- From: Matthias Kalle Dalheimer [SMTP:kalle@klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se] Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 3:49 PM To: koffice@kde.org Subject: Fwd: hiaaa!!! ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: hiaaa!!! Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 14:29:21 +0100 From: Andreas Henningsson To: "'kalle@kde.org'" Hi! I know that I am talking with the wrong person now. But I was kind of hoping that you could fwd this to the right man/mailinglist. I have a suggestion to the kOffice dev crue. I think that they should integrate a mail client to the koffice suit. And why not take kmail whitch is a very good mail client. btw I think you should go throw all kde packages and really think about if they are needed. KDE starts to be very big .. slow Mvh/Best Regards Andreas Henningsson Dell Support http://support.euro.dell.com/se -------------------------------------------------------