When retrieving http://koffice.kde.org/ at Tue Jan 23 14:01 UTC (+/- a minute or two), the output included the text `/tmp//f3lmzw: Too many links'. An excerpt from the HTML follows (copied with mouse, so whitespace may be wrong). The message is at the bottom. On screen, the message appears under `The CVS log - latest changes'. On reloading, the message becomes `/tmp//DtCQwc: Too many links'. pjm. (No reply necessary.)

Latest news ...

The CVS log - latest changes

Jan 17, 2001 - New version of Kivio
Dec 5, 2000 - theKompany donates Kivio to the community as a new KOffice component.
Oct 23, 2000 - KDE2 including KOffice released. First public release of KOffice
Sept 15, 2000 - Linux Magazine Editor's Choice awards chooses KOffice...
July 17, 2000 - Major changes to KPresenter
July 12, 2000 - Webpage updated
May 22, 2000 - Kaiwal Software and theKompany.com sponsor KWord development
/tmp//f3lmzw: Too many links