Thank you for you lengthy response. I have not answered yet because I couldn't receive email most of this week. I just got a new ISP so I can now use email again both sending and receiving. I'm very satisfied with your clarification that when your employees do work on KWord and KImageShop that work will be done through Kde cvs. Also, I must have been mistaken that some people working on KWord are getting paid by you, if you say that you've had nobody working on KWord to date. On other matters, there was no hostility to you but there was to your belief expressed several times in several ways that you control what you pay for. Not just once. So please stop pretending that I was taking you through the wringer for doing something to help free software. Most companies paying people to work on Kde do not ask in return to have any control over the work people do - they just want to help the project which also helps them. Your business needs are somewhat different, but when you control what you pay for that also extends into work done on what's in Kde cvs, if your people are working on code in Kde cvs. Personally, I don't find control to be a very wise technique to use with people, even in business. The Kde project has made it clear that doesn't want that kind of control from commercial interests, although some influence is inevitable. At last I don't want it. That's why there is always a need for a good balance between people who are getting paid and people who are not in this kind of a project, or at least for a wide variety of sponsors. We'd all like to be paid, of course. There are other issues regarding the need for more activity on this list or a new koffice-devel list I've heard rumors about, but nobody seems to know where it is. This has little to do with a meeting in Germany but more to do with there being very few developers working on finishing up parts of KOffice right now. It may or may not have anything to do with your projects drawing people off - that doesn't matter. Rather than being assualted with 1001 developers trying to take KOffice into 1001 different directions, KOffice is lucky to attract one new developer a month. Many of your assumptions about me are incorrect, but I won't bother to clarify them in detail. All I'll say is that I'm just the opposite of a free software fanatic, and I'm problably older than you are. I've worked in commercial software too, and I don't find commercial management to have produced better results than OSS generally. If most of the KOffice components are unfinished, that may be becasue the underlying design and component model of Kde 2 has changed so many times and KOffice has been the testing ground for that. KOffice may be a little tired and battered, but its design is very good in my opinion. It has an underlying vitality. I didn't think that at first until I actually started working with the code. A lot of little usability issues and details remain to attend to, and some major performance issues. Please have mercy on our pathetic little team. But I doubt that one of your cracker jack professionally managed teams could come in and finish it up in two weeks. Like they did KImageshop? It doesn't even compile, so how could it crash? At least the code is still in Kde cvs where people can work on it so it crashes 70% of the time again. In closing, I'm very pleased with your response - on the main points about leaving the focus for work on what's currently in Kde cvs where it is. The rest doesn't matter. John Califf