Hi Dean, Since I am currently Mr. MsWord filter, I'll add my 2c here...the other filter writers will have their own opinions. >... Which is great, but it was stated that an export filter >would probably never be developed. I think that this would be a big >shortcoming, since MS Office is currently everywhere around me, I cannot >even suggest using something at work that is not compatible in both >directions. It is my priority by far to get as functional an import facility as possible. However, the architecture and the tools I have used specifically lend themselves to the writing of an export capability too. On the other hand, my need for such a capability is limited at present. So the reality is that the Web site accurately reflects my priorities, at least for now. > ...I feel that the best thing some one could do would be to >write a system that is completely compatible with all the other major >systems. I am no programmer, but I know that this is not easy, and >probably >not even possible, but should be done with at least the biggest. I just >don't like to see the type of close mindedness that I saw reading those >FAQ's concerning this subject. Of course you are right: I think the FAQs merely reflect the reality of limited time. > Well if you are still reading this thanks for your time, and I hope I >didn't offend you.... Sure thing. And input like your is exactly what is needed to help shape my future priorities too! Thanks, Shaheed _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com. Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at http://profiles.msn.com.