On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, John Califf wrote: | PS I will not be able to participate in follow up in this thread | because my ISP is messed up - I can send by not receive email | right now. But I will read any responses posted with a browser. well, i'm not posting with a browser, but in that i conducted the interview and wrote the piece, i think i can alleviate some of your concerns. first, i do kind of wish you had read the whole thing. thekompany.com is, as i understand it, working on some things that simply would not be done if they weren't doing them: the replacement for visio, for instance, and the database; kdb had actually been dropped from koffice before shawn hired some people to work on it. if you came away from the story with the impression that thekompany.com is trying to dictate the development of koffice, then i apparently wrote insufficiently clearly. and the fact is, nobody could dictate the course of koffice anyway. shawn's people are working on very specific projects that will then be given to koffice. the method employed in creating these things is really immaterial, just as it's immaterial how other projects get developed -- do you, for instance, know how the stuff that is really essential to your system got developed, by who, and under what circumstances and organizational structure? probably not. here, on this list, one can suggest pretty much anything and barring a vigorous objection is encouraged to develop and contribute it; sometimes, we noncoders make suggestions and if they're good enough someone else will be kind enough to write the code that scratches that itch for us. in a very long interview, i got the sense that shawn's purpose here is to help kde and koffice become essential to businesses that want to use linux. that's not the kind of thing that anyone here is likely to oppose. he has hired programmers and paid them out of his own pocket, in many cases simply to give them time to do whatever they were doing before, with the results contributed to the community, just as they were before, only, it is hoped, quicker. so i'm very sorry that my story led to your concern, and to the extent that the way i wrote it might have contributed to this misimpression, i apologize. -- dep -- Everyone is entitled to his own opinion but not his own facts. -- Daniel Patrick Moynahan