> > I have had problems loading the main koffice web page, > http://koffice.kde.org/ into konqueror. It stalls for a few minutes but > eventually loads. Other kde sites don't stall like this. The page does > load quickly into Netscape. > No problem here, might be the server having problems. > no php or cgi redirects. There is a noticeable html error on the page. > Look at the bottom left corner. You will see :q!. Evidently somebody > made an error with vi in creating the page and copied a vi command into > the page. At least please edit the page and remove the offending line > which is outside the html tag area and may cause problems with some > browsers like Konqueror. This may fix the problem. Fixed Plans for a new website have been on for some time. -- Thomas Zander zander@earthling.net The only thing worse than failure is the fear of trying something new