montel laurent wrote: > > Le lun, 18 sep 2000, Marko Mikulicic a écrit : > > Yes but for kspread I used klocale::readDate() > This function used information in kcontrol. > So I can't change it. I'll try to change that for personal use, and if I can do it in a clean way (not a dirty hack) I will post a patch. > > In the toolbar there's an button that sets the cell format to Percent, > > Money,... > > but there isn't a button that forces the cell to be a date. > > Usually there is no need for this because the date is recognized > > automagically, > > but, in the case it is not, it could be forced to a date > > Ok, but I can't force a cell to be a date. > In kspread it's an automatic detection. Ok, better. But how can you set that a cell is plain text, even if the autodetector says it's a date ? Marko -- Self, the power of simplicity