Thank you for the problem report you have sent regarding KDE. This is an automatically generated reply, to let you know your message has been received. It is being forwarded to the developers' mailing list for their attention; they will reply in due course. Your message has been sent to the package maintainer(s): KDE Developers If you wish to submit further information on your problem, please send it to (and *not* to Please do not reply to the address at the top of this message, unless you wish to report a problem with the bug-tracking system. Your message didn't have a Package: line at the start (in the pseudo-header following the real mail header), or didn't have a psuedo-header at all. This makes it much harder for us to categorise and deal with your problem report; please ensure that you say which package(s) and version(s) the problem is with next time. Some time in the future the problem reports system may start rejecting such messages. Stephan Kulow (administrator, KDE bugs database)