Hi everyone, first of all, I would like to give the greatest of compliments to all the guys (and gals, of course ;-)) who are working on KDE/Koffice. This is absolutely cool stuff that will eventually make a perfect substitute for any Windows Desktop and hopefully go far beyond that. A couple of weeks ago, I had asked on this list, if kpresenter could already be used in production (my own PhD talk, in this case). I got encouraging answers and dug into it. (The most impressive thing about the anwers was that they came in intervals of a few minutes, though -- special thanks to David!). The talk itself went great, no problem at all with the presentation :-)))))))) In the rest of this posting, I will try to give some hints for people who want to do the same in the near future. One major problem was how to include a collection of CorelDraw pictures. I learned that all image handling is done by the kimgio library. The only type of images I could safely include was GIF87, preferably the pictures written by xv. Those files _never_ caused any hassle, all others did. Among the formats I tried were all sorts of GIFs, EPS, TIFF, and WMF. So the best way to include the CorelDraw files was to export them to GIF, open them in xv and save them again. Since CorelDraw GIF export works pretty well, this less complicated than it might appear. You just have to make sure that anti-aliasing is enabled and that the horizontal and vertical number of pixels exactly meets the size of your screen display (e.g. 1024x768). Converting things from a vector-based to a raster format is not a problem because you end up with a raster Display of fixed resolution anyway during the presentation. CorelDraw produces GIF89 files, so you have to be careful here. Amazing for me, converting GIF89 to GIF87 by means of 'convert' from the ImageMagick Suite did _not_ work for me. These pictures, like TIFFs and GIF89s, tended to disappear from time to time; only a black rectangle was to be seen then. I'm no sure wether this is due a problem with the kimgio lib or kpresenter itself and the binary part of the file format. So for the moment xv seems to be the ultimate tool to produce safe pictures for kpresenter. Thanks to all this trial-and-error testing I now have a detailed collection of sample files that work and such that fail to work. Could it help in debugging kimgio, if I tried to compile these (perhaps along with the Hexdump diffs) and give them to the developers? Whom should I contact? Again, thanks for help with everything Martin -- Martin Pauly Fax: 49-6421-28-26994 HRZ Univ. Marburg Phone: 49-6421-28-23527 Hans-Meerwein-Str. E-Mail: pauly@HRZ.Uni-Marburg.DE D-35032 Marburg