Thomas wrote: > <> > Summery: > > KDocument has a number of framesets which contain a number of frames. > The info a frame needs to know (what type of frame it is for instance) needs > to be embedded in the frame, and nowhere else. > Creating a new frame forces you to ambed it in a frameset, so find the first > relevant frameset (or create one) and add the frame by calling: > frameset->createNewFrame() > > This will create understandable code. Hello, its not that hard to make it nicer. OO-Programming is often much like making better code from good code. For examples and refactoring rules, see Refactoring, Martin Fowler, Addison-Wesley ISBN 3-8273-1630-8 mfg Frank Endriss > > -- > Thomas Zander > The only thing worse than failure is the fear of trying something new