Hi, > Changed KoApplication so that a shell appears first, before creating the > document. The idea is that we could display progress info using a > KProgress in the statusbar (will look pretty slick IMHO) - Michael, it means > I won't need the progress-dialog stuff, hope you didn't start anything. No, I haven't. ;-) > Hope this is ok - it looks a bit strange in KWord and KPresenter (template > dialog). Feedback appreciated. > > Related changes: * had to use a dummy widget in KoMainWindow. > * Had to move some code in KoMainWindow, equivalent to createGUI(0L), > but Simon reimplemented all the createGUI stuff by hand in KoMainWindow (why ?) > * setRootDocument means the document is ready -> it still creates the view > * setRootDocument is called by KoApplication after loading and by KoMainWindow > in openDocument(), after loading too. > * Made createShell _not_ call setRootDocument, in all KOffice apps. > > .. why is katabase not developed anymore ? Aeeerh ??? IMO Katabase is dead because of too much discussions and not too much coding. Thats why I changed the project. I will make an announcement here soon. It first have to be workable with the current HEAD-branch. Wait for a really cool db app. Michael, who hopes all will like his (and Frederiks) little app. -- koch@kde.org, m_koch@bigfoot.de http://heaven.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de/~mkoch To me vi is Zen. To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated. You discover truth everytime you use it. -- reddy@lion.austin.ibm.com