Magnus, This is very true, what I usually did in M$ Office and failed to mention is add a Print... button to the toolbar, while also leaving a Print button, so I had two. I will work on a 'Print...' icon and add it to my project. Now let's just get someone to code support for it into the toolbar customization, eh? I'll name the icon 'printall' unless anyone has a better idea for the name. - Rivyn (Casey Allen Shobe) - KDE Artists Team - - ICQ UIN: 1494523 - (KDE Devel Icons) On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Magnus Ihse wrote: > On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, Casey Allen Shobe wrote: > > > On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Steven D'Aprano wrote: > > > > one thing I like about M$ office is that the printing options > > > > dialog only pops up if one selects File|Print from the menu or > > > > with Ctrl-P, but the job is immediately sent with the default > > > > settings when the toolbar icon is clicked. > > And I consider it one of the worst UI glitches in MS Office. :-) > There is no chance of knowing that a click on the button will not do > the same as the menu option, when they have done all they possibly > can to reinforce the impression that the print button will do the > same thing as the menu: put the same icon on the button as in front > of the menu item, put it after the open and save buttons (which does > the same as the corresponding menu items) and have a tooltip > identical to the menu text (except for the "..." which one hardly > notice it's missing) > > Don't know how many times I've been swearing over this when I wanted > to print only the first page of a 100 pages long document, and find > that Word prints it all without asking me... > > > Indeed. Maybe the default toolbar icon should be 'Print', which could be > > changed to 'Print...' - dunno if this would be too much of a change or not. > > The "..." is not enough to distinguish. Since "Print" normally is > followed by "..." (and a dialog), the quick print option should be > more explicitly marked, such as "Print immediately". And it should > have a different icon from "Print", so you can see what the button in > the toolbar does without trying it. > > But with these usability issues fixed, I could very well agree that > "Print immediately" is a good thing. > > /Magnus