What can probably be done is to convince companies like RedHat to include commercial support for KOffice and KDE. That will go a long way in solving the problem of customer support. But Redhat supporting KDE ??!! vinny > Ummm, there seems to be a lack of support right across the board, not > just in kde/koffice and to be fair in Caldera too. The best support has > always been in the user groups and lists, but thats as always passing > the buck. Microsoft support has been a joke, as a past user of Amiga > they had the developers in lists on the old newsgroups in Amiganet. > What is worrying me is will the linux developement as a blanket group > miss the bloody oportunity presented to them by current events. I > sincerley hope not and wish I was younger and able to be a part of this. > ---------------------------------- E-Mail: Vinodh Date: 26-Nov-99 Time: 14:52:37 WHERE CAN THE MATTER BE Oh, dear, where can the matter be When it's converted to energy? There is a slight loss of parity. Johnny's so long at the fair. ----------------------------------