Vinodh wrote: > > I definitely agree that M$ WORD will be the yardstick , whether we like > it or not. I have made futile attempts to convert our office to Star Office , > and that only sadly underscores the point that linux is still not ready for the > desktop , from users perspective. While KDE has gone a long way to bring linux > on the desktop , there is still a lot of work to be done. KOffice will > certainly do a hell lot of good in trying to persuade corporations. > But we cant always be dictated by past , or else we wouldnt be having > linux itself isnt it. I guess the shift has to be slow , but we can set an > example by showing how wonderful this is. One common concern that I have come > across in whatever forums I preach linux is that of customer support. When a > company buys xyz product from so and so company , they know they can call up > that company to help them in case of trouble. Now will there be such an > authority for koffice?. I couldnt answer this question to my own satisfaction. > > vinny Ummm, there seems to be a lack of support right across the board, not just in kde/koffice and to be fair in Caldera too. The best support has always been in the user groups and lists, but thats as always passing the buck. Microsoft support has been a joke, as a past user of Amiga they had the developers in lists on the old newsgroups in Amiganet. What is worrying me is will the linux developement as a blanket group miss the bloody oportunity presented to them by current events. I sincerley hope not and wish I was younger and able to be a part of this. -- Regards Keith Keith Antoine | Eastwind Internet Services 07 3300 2161 18 Arkana St | Internet Service Providor and Web Hosting The Gap | -- Queensland 4061 | Rtd Electronics Engineer & Brisbanes' Geriatric ISP Australia | System run by Caldera OpenLinux 2.2: The only way to fly!