Read allready my mail, which I sent to the KOffice-list. I think following text could be misunderstood: ______________________ > Every function of a program should be, in whatever way, > accessible via menus. Yes: every function concerning the content-area. You don't have "move window" or "resize window" in a menu of the application. SUMMARY: before loosing the focus... Thanks for your good comments, but I got no NEW solution, which I can use to put into the standards. Personally I think the current solution you find on is very consistent and easy to understand. But I need to know, if this will be accepted. If you don't like this solution: - arguments (!), why not... - solution for the problem. Thanks for reading this long mail! -------------------------- In the SUMMARY: I referenced only to mails with CLOSE & EXIT-topic - please don't think that my opinion is, that I got no good solutions allready... I got around 100 mails and many of them are fantastic and will find (allready found) their way to the web-page :-) I meant, that nobody mailed me another sollution for CLOSE & EXIT... Sorry for that... Peter