Hi, The GIMP design has some missing features we want to implement. GIMP only provides the RGB color model with 8 bits per color. We are providing RGG, CMY(K), LAB,... Currently we are discussing about 16 bits per color support. I got some mails from users disappointed from GIMP because of this missing features. IMHO the user interface if GIMP is not so good. We want to make a better user interface for easier using of KImageShop. We cannot take so much code from GIMP because - GIMP is written in C. We are coding in C++. - The internal data structures don't fitting our demands. Am Die, 24 Aug 1999 schrieb Joeri Sebrechts: > I see you are creating an alternative to the gimp. Thereby creating > competition on the open source world. > I know the gimp doesn't really have an evolutionary future right now. > But is it really worth al that effort to recreate a program (kimageshop) > that already exists under the gpl ? > I sure hope you're reusing the gimp code as much as you can. > Hey, maybe it's my problem. But, I find it annoying every time I see two > open source projects trying to build the same thing. Evn more so when > one of them (in this case gimp) has already reached a more or less > finished state. I find it such a waste of effort just when we (the open > source / linux community) need to try to make as much "different" apps > as we can as quick as possible. So as to overtake the desktop world with > open sourced apps. > When the desktop is ours I don't care how many people try to write the > same app over and over. But untill then it's just slowing us down. -- Michael Koch KDE fan, enthusiast and developer student of computer science at university of applied sciences of Darmstadt, Germany koch@kde.org, m_koch@bigfoot.de, mkoch@mail.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de http://www.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de/~mkoch