Robert Schöftner wrote: > > > > > I do not agree. I think it is not the way to go, having multiple files > > for one saved file. Especially not when it is up to the user to tar > > or whatever the files together. > > TARing the documents could be handled nearly transparently by KDE. > > > A better idea would be to put the binary chunks at the end of the file. > > no. those binary chunks can become REALLY large (imagine some CMYK 600dpi > photos) and we definitely don't want to rewrite that much data with every save. > using some hole-in-the-file magic will result in MS Office-like bloating of > documents. so there are IMHO not too much alternatives (btw. it did work on the > NeXT). > > > Or alternatively to make a tarred file the basis of the save file. But > > this would mean the savefile is not XML, since it has to be preprocessed > > before use. > > TAR would be (in the directory approach) the transportable form. > I understand, and agree, that writing these chunks of data each time is not the way to go. But the alternative is to use multiple files normally, and only tar them when transportation is necessary. Because, as I see it, if you always tar and untar (transparantly or not), you still have to write these chunks of data each time. Did I understand correctly? Leon -- In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates? Institute of Plasma physics (IPP) Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH