On Mon, Jun 28, 1999 at 12:34:35AM +0200, David Faure wrote: > And above all, the file format should be _REAL_ XML. It used to be, but > it's not anymore since koStore write binary headers. > But I already suggested a solution for that here. I even made a nicer draft for it : > > > > ... the xml document > > > ... an image, stored as real binary > > > ... an image, stored as real binary > > > > This means we can't use the XML parser for the BINARY, but instead we have to parse > the BINARY_SECTION line by hand. Well, not a big problem. > It also means we need a smart check (or even better, a converter), to handle > old files that started with " before the binary store). > > I'm posting all the details about my idea on this because > 1) I prefer this being discussed first, of course > 2) I'm not sure I'll have the time to do that - I'll have to move in a few days. thereīs some discussion in linux-kernel about multi-fork files just now. your approach could become problematic if you include some _large_ bitmaps (e.g. for offset-printing). the some minimal manipulation of some text could result in 10s of MBs being shuffled around. I think such "sections" belong in different files and the document should essentially be a directory. this can be put into a tar-file for transport. pros: * "legacy" tools (like xv) can be used * documents can be "tweaked" * itīs simpler * less error-prone * corruption is unlikely and is easily dealt with * it should be _significantly_ faster (esp. for large documents) cons: * it could confuse users if not done carefully * will be slower for small documents with _many_ small embedded parts (fs overhead). this effect should be negligible of course some standard structure has to be agreed upon, e.g. KOffice.d/ <- the name of the document with .d appended to indicate this is a document .desktop <- sort-of .desktop "lnk"-file with information like mime-type, icon, ... index.xml <- the xml-file drawing.eps <- some eps-file dragon.tiff <- a tiff-file shot1.gif <- a screen-shot welcome.au <- and some sound embed1/ <- an embedded KOffice-document... .desktop index.xml just an example :) refs: the albod-discussion on linux-kernel (archived at vger.rutgers.edu IIRC) servas, robert -- In Root we Trust! [STOP ENFOPOL: http://www.quintessenz.at] [ campaign mailto:nobody@quintessenz.at] [ contact: mailto:k@quintessenz.at]