Hi. Just got a lot of feedback from future koffice users, when I was in Japan. (I met Japanese people but also a lot of European people). Future users expect a lot from koffice, a lot more than what it currently does ;) The file format is a huge concern. It would be great to define the formats (i.e. the DTD) in a common place with other XML office apps, like gnome ones. A good candidate for the common shared cvs server I heard about (does it exist finally ?). The file formats should probably exist as complete even before the app support all of them. Just like we did with the .desktop standard. (app-specific actions such as "Extract" (with ark) are not implemented yet). Of course, for this, the DTDs shouldn't contain any "K*" names. I don't know if gnome has already DTDs for its office apps. If yes, time to merge. If no, time to share ours ;) And above all, the file format should be _REAL_ XML. It used to be, but it's not anymore since koStore write binary headers. But I already suggested a solution for that here. I even made a nicer draft for it : ... the xml document ... an image, stored as real binary ... an image, stored as real binary This means we can't use the XML parser for the BINARY, but instead we have to parse the BINARY_SECTION line by hand. Well, not a big problem. It also means we need a smart check (or even better, a converter), to handle old files that started with "